The USA-1 Corvette Club provides Corvette owners with mechanical and technical assistance
as well as sponsoring many local activities, including:
Club Picnics | Cruises | Car Shows | Sunday Brunches
USA-1 Corvette Club is also a part of the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC). NCCC provides affiliate clubs with:
• Liability insurance coverage for NCCC sanctioned events
• A bi-monthly news magazine called “Blue Bars”
• A nationwide network of clubs and informational services
• Notification of other Corvette Club activities in Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
Delaware, Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia, as well as national events
• A set of standardized rules for all types of competition

If you are interested in joining the USA-1 Corvette Club or would like to know more about it, join us at one of our monthly meetings.
They are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Call Marty Specht (814) 933-8299 or Dick Haines (814) 355-9836
for details and location. Our membership runs from December to December, with renewals due in November.